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Terms of Service

  1. My commissions are for personal use only. They may not be used commercially.

  2. You may repost your commission to anywhere that you would like to provided that you provide credit that I was the artist. Linkbacks are not required, but they are appreciated.

  3. You may edit your commission in any way that you would like to after you receive it, but please make a note of the original artist and note that you have edited it when it is posted. Linkbacks are not required, but appreciated.

  4. You may ask for a commission piece to not be posted for up to one full year. If you would like it to never be posted to a certain medium (aka Tumblr, DA, etc) please contact me via email. These will be decided on a case by case basis.

  5. You may ask to not be named when a commission is posted. ( Aka. Commissioned by anonymous )

  6. I reserve the right to use your commission as an example of my artwork and post it on my tumblr, DA, or wherever else I deem necessary to showcase my work.

  7. The prices posted are a guideline for my work, and dependent upon the specific artwork, may fluctuate. I reserve the right to charge more or less for a piece of artwork dependent upon circumstances. Commissioners will never be charged extra without notification of the reasons and the new price.

  8. There are no refunds for fully-finished artwork. Partial refunds are available for partially finished work. 

  9. I reserve the right to refuse any commission or stop artwork to any commissioner that treats me rudely or inappropriately. If I stop your artwork, you will receive a refund depending on how much the piece has been worked on. 

  10. I reserve the right to edit my Terms of Service as the need arises.

     Last Edited 4/16/19

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